It really wasn’t a debate at all. Yes, Trump illustrated how well he can still bully, intimidate and lie while avoiding every question put to him. He’s a master of diversion and spinning his inadequacies into false victimization. Biden struggled to convey his detailed points, clearly unable to do a fast talking retort and defend against Trump’s wild attacks on the truth. The thing is, Biden still has character, intelligence and shows his depth of experience and ability to get the job done well. Not a good format for him to inform the nation about all he has accomplished though. I would suggest Joe have monthly “Fireside Chats” from here until November to get his message out.

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The debate reinforced my opinion of both candidates. That is not a good thing. Prior to the debate, I did not feel I could vote for Trump because he consistently exhibits traits that I feel are completely on the "other end" of characteristics I want to see in a President. That being said, I was hoping Biden would ease my concern about his age and acuity. I now feel that I cannot vote for Biden, either, as he appeared even worse - physically and mentally - than I ever thought possible. I also do not feel JFK Jr. is a viable candidate for many reasons. How can our country produce such poor candidates for our highest elected office? The last couple of elections I have voted for the candidate I felt was the "lesser of two evils." At this point, I don't feel comfortable voting for ANY candidate. It's a long way to November - I hope something changes between now and then so that I can cast my ballot with more confidence than I have now.

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Joe Biden is now like a farmer that can't make the payments on his beloved farm and needs to sell the farm for the proceeds required to go into assisted living. The farmer, no matter how he "feels" about his farm, refuses to address the fact he does not have the ability any longer to climb onto his tractor or lift a sack of seed. (1) Biden's prep team knew he would not have the strength to do a late night debate. (2) They did not vet out the studio lighting and Joe looked 10 years older than he actually is. For once the Orangatang's make up was correct for the lighting. (3). Biden's prep team should have given him a set of notes with only 5 topics - and the headlines only. KISS - keeping it simple. The President could have only uttered the headlines and ignored the CNN people as Trump did. It was disaster. James Carvelle is correct. Obama, Clinton, Jill Biden and Liz Cheney should call a high council to convince Joe Biden he can be the most important president in American history by picking his successor and then campaining for that person. Joe Biden has to be the man who saves our democracy.

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From what I'd seen in news of Biden before the debate, I thought: "This "showcase" can't help him UNLESS what we've already been shown in glimpses is inaccurate". EGAD.. what a confirmation and what a wrenching reality it showed of him. I haven't wanted either -- and now I may not vote and I know fully how more than horrible that is.

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I think Biden’s prep team should take some considerable blame for poor choices in the set up, & for majorly wrong prep emphasis!

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